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10. The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Friday. Dec. 15, 2017

Finished The Tipping Point 1 day early!! I used to think I was a slow reader, which maybe I was, but that was only because I was never really interested in what I was reading. I am obsessed now! Find a topic that you like reading about and you will learn so so much!

Anyways, here are my highlights from The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

  • stickiness is a critical component in tipping (p25)

  • When people are in a group, in other words, responsibility for acting is diffused. (p28)

  • The three rules of the Tipping Point - the Law of the few, the Stickiness Factor, the Power of Context (p29)

  • Word of mouth is - still the most important form of human communication (p32)

  • Proximity overpowered similarity (p35)

  • We're friends with people we do things with/ similar activities (p35)

  • In the six degrees of separation, not all degrees are equal (p36)

  • Connectors, people with a special gift for brining the world together. (p38)

    • are important for more than simply the number of people they know, but also the kinds of people they know. (p46)

    • they see possibility (p53)

  • Acquaintances, represent a source of social power, and the more acquaintances you have the more powerful you are. (p54)

  • Its not me telling you about a new restaurant with great food, and you telling a friend and that friend telling a friend. Word of mouth begins when somewhere along that chain, someone tells a person like Roger Horchow. (a connector) (p55/56)

  • There are people specialists, and there are information specialists. (p59)

  • The one thing that a Maven is not is a persuader. (p69)

  • To be a Maven is to be a teacher. But it is also, even more emphatically, to be a student. (p69)

  • Mavens are data banks. They provide the message. Connectors are social glue: they spread it. (p70)

  • The power of positive thinking will overcome so many things. (p73)

  • "Gosh darn it," Gau said, "if you don't try, you'll never succeed." (p74)

  • Simple physical movements and observations can have a profound effect on how we feel and think. (p79)

  • cultural microrthythms (p81)

  • "interactional synchrony." (p82)

    • emphasizing and underlining and elaborating on the process of articulation - so that the speaker was, in effect, dancing to his or her own speech. (p82)

    • The jump and shifts of the body and face - were perfectly in harmony. (p82)

    • When two people talk, their volume and pitch fall into balance. What linguists call speech rate - the number of speech sounds per second - equalizes. (p82)

  • our conversation was being conducted on his terms, not mine. (p83)

  • I can pass on my happiness to you. Emotion is contagious. (p84)

  • Is it so memorable, in fact, that is can create change, that it can spur someone to action? (p92)

  • once the advice became practical and personal, it became memorable. (p98)

  • The information age has created a stickiness problem. (p99)

  • Sesame Street - if you can hold the attention of children, you can educate them. (p100)

    • They watch when they understand and look away when they are confused. (p102)

  • Crime is contagious (p141)

  • The Tipping Point in this epidemic, isn't a particular kind of person - it's something physical like graffiti. (p142)

  • Broken Windows theory and the Power of context are one and the same. They are both based on the premise that an epidemic can be reversed, can be tipped, by tinkering with the smallest details of the immediate environment. (p146)

  • Psychiatrists talk about criminals as people with stunted psychological development, people who have had pathological relationships with their parents, who lack adequate role models. (p149)

  • A trait like honesty, is considerable influenced by the situation. (p158)

  • Children are powerfully shaped by their external environment. (p168)

  • Critical role that groups play in social epidemics. (p171)

  • Rule of 150 (p175)

  • Caring about someone deeply is exhausting (p177)

  • So what does correlate with brain size? The answer, Dunbar argues, is group size. (p178)

  • Every time a colony approached 150, they split it into two and start a new one. "Keeping things under 150 just seems to be the best and most efficient way to manage a group of people," - Bill Gross (p181)

  • Gore - It is a big established company attempting to behave like a small entrepreneurial start-up. (p184)

  • We put a hundred and fifty parking spaces in the lot, and when people start parking on the grass, we know it's time to build a new plant." (p185)

  • Peer pressure is much more powerful than a concept of a boss. Many, many times more powerful. (p186)

  • "Relationship development is often understood as a process of mutual self-disclosure," (p188)

  • Expertise leads to more expertise (p189)

  • Since mental energy is limited, we concentrate on what we do best. (p189)

  • In order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first. (p192)

  • They all featured a truculent, slightly geeky anti-hero. (p196)

  • If anyone wants to start an epidemic, he or she has to somehow employ Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen in this very way: he or she has to find some person or some means to translate the message of the Innovators into something the rest of us can understand. (p203)

  • A very small group - a select few - are responsible for driving the epidemic forward. (p233)

  • It is important to keep these two concepts - contagiousness and stickiness - separate. (p233)

  • When nicotine reaches toxic levels in a mouse (nicotine is, after all, a poison) it has a seizure (p236)

  • People who are in boring or stressful situations are always going to smoke more than people who are not. (p238)

  • the environmental influence that helps children become who they are - that shapes their character and personality - is their peer group. (p241)

  • correlation between smoking and depression (p244)

  • experimentation and actual hard-core use are two entirely separate things - that for a drug to be contagious does not automatically mean that it is also sticky. (p251)

  • Those who are successful at creating social epidemics do not just do what they think is right. They deliberately test their intuitions. (p258)

  • Teen Suicide = epidemic in isolation // teen smoking = epidemic in reaction (p266)

  • The cure for immunity is finding Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen. (p275)

  • Connectors, I think, are the sorts of people who don't need to be found. They make it their business to find you. (p277)

  • They ket fact, though, was not the number of people affected by the recall but the kind of people affected by the recall. (p278)

  • "Fighters fight." And teachers? They teach. (p279)

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