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BOOK LIST - Suggestions, 2019, 2020


  1. “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”: Douglas Adams

  2. “The Miracle Morning” By: Hal Elrod

  3. “Spirit Hacking” By: Shaman Durek

  4. The Untethered Soul -Michael Singer

  5. Ask and It is Given -Esther Hicls

  6. Becoming - Michlle Obama

  7. Shantaram

  8. 48 Laws of Power

  9. Ego is the Enemy

  10. High Performance Habits - Brendon Burchard

  11. Women who Run with Wolves (Female Empowerment)

  12. Sharp Objects

  13. The Power of Now

  14. The Four Agreements

  15. You are a Badass

  16. How to Heal your Life

  17. More than Enough

  18. Eat Pray Love

  19. Thrive

  20. Teachings on Love By: Thic Nhat Han

  21. White Fragility

  22. The Hate U Give

  23. Gone Girl

  24. The Things they Carried

  25. Daring Greatly

  26. Untamed - Glennon Doyle

  27. The Alchemist

  28. Glass Castle

  29. And then there were none

  30. The Kite Runner

  31. The Book Thief

  32. The 5 People you Meet in Heaven

  33. Verity

  34. Ishmael

  35. Love Does

  36. The Noticer

  37. The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

  38. Miracles are Guaranteed

  39. A Thousand Names for Joy

  40. Tuesdays with Morrie

  41. But what if were Wrong

  42. The Book of Joy

  43. Educated By: Tara Westover

  44. Relentless

  45. The Mastery of Love

  46. Just Kids

  47. Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown

  48. Think like a Monk - Jay Shetty

  49. Earth is Hiring - Pete Kelly

  50. Stop Missing the Point - Peta Kelly

  51. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a fuck

  52. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson

  53. The Courage to be Disliked

  54. The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

  55. Sapiens - Yuval Noah

  56. Never Split the Difference

  57. The Monk who Sold His Ferrari

  58. The Body Keeps the Score

  59. The Last Arrow

  60. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

  61. Motivation Manifesto

  62. Grit - Angela Duckworth

  63. Find your Fuck Yeah - Alexis Rockley

  64. Be Here Now

  65. Thinking, Fast and Slow - D. Kahneman


  1. Gabrielle Burnstein (Spirituality)

(The following books are the ones I read in the past 2 years. My goal is to read 12 books a year… clearly didn’t make that goal, better luck for 2021!)


  1. “Life Strategies” By: Phillip C. McGraw, Ph.D.

  2. “Robin Williams”

  3. “Man’s Search for Meaning” By: Viktor E. Frankl

  4. “As You Think” By: James Allen

  5. “Tools of Titans” By: Tim Ferris

  6. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” By: Stephen R. Covey


Didn’t quite read nearly as many books and I intended to at the beginning of this year. However I did do lots of travelling, and I lived a little more. As winter comes I will have my head in a book more often so its grind time now.

  1. The Slight Edge” - Jeff Olson

  2. “The Path Made Clear” - Oprah

  3. The 5am Club” - Robin Sharma

  4. A New Earth” -Echarte Tolle

  5. “Understanding Yourself” - Mark L. Prophet

    1. I actually didn’t finish this book. I didn’t love it and felt it wasn’t extremely beneficial. I would rather re-read books I love.

  1. “Becoming Like God” - Michael Berg

Tim Ferris - Book Suggestions

Fundamental Four

  1. The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz

  2. How to Make Millions with Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur’s Guide - Dan S. Kenny

  3. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It - Michael E. Gerber

  4. Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel - Rolf Potts

Reducing Emotional and Material Baggage

  1. Walden - Henry David Thoreau

  2. Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty- An Anthology of Ancient and Modern Voices in Praise of Simplicity - Goldian Vandenbroeck

  3. The Monk and the Riddle: The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur - Randy Komisar

  4. The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less - Richard Koch

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