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Day 23 - Switzerland

Friday, Nov. 10, 2017

Click to watch the VLOG

Cat and I went down for breakfast, we told Drew we would bring him up breakfast since it's only supposed to be Cat and I in here, and we met Michael yesterday.. When we got down there we realized no way could we walk out with a plate of food. So we had a great breakfast (sorry Drew) then went to the Reception to ask then how to get around to the places that we wanted to see.

It was about a 40 minute walk to the Castle De Chillion. It was such a nice walk, all along the water. It was probably much longer than 40 minutes since we stopped to take so many photos. We got to this one stop, SO stunning, where it had the Castle in the background, and there was this Aussie couple taking pics, they were thrilled that we came by so we could get the perf pic of them. We ended up walking the rest of the way with them. It was Tod and Adriana, they we're honestly the funnies people. We explored the Castle, it was a lot bigger than it looked from the outside!

We made our way back, for some reason it literally took the whole day... We had plans to go over to the next town to see the Charlie Chaplin museum but that didn't happen. We we're all so hungry so we had a nice family dinner at Mackers. (McDonalds) Tod called it mackers. Afterwards we said our goodbyes and parted ways. We actually became best friends with these people. Oh Tod films too!! (like vlogs but not vlogs.. well vlogs but they're just for him and only 40 seconds about 3 times a day.) Great guy

We came home, I went to the gym, they wanted to go to the pool (I wanted too as well) so they said they would wait and told me to be 30 minutes. I tried to do 30 minutes but you just have to have a balanced workout/it's so fun so I was still only 45! Good thing I didn't rush though, they were nowhere near being ready. We had a dance party/ chilled for another hour then went to the pool/hot tub. I had a nice steam :) It felt so good. I said my thank yous in there, so I can continue to live this amazing life! Had a shower, came up and got ready for bed and now I'm just doing some computer work.

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