Tuesday, Oct 24, 2017
Click to watch the VLOG
I got up at about 8:15, made 2 eggs, did a bit of work on the blogs/ vlogs. My iMovie hasn't been working (hence why I haven't been making any videos) so I just downloaded Adobe Premier Pro and I am learning how to do that! So slowly but surely I'll get those done. All the videos are adding up..!
After I digested for a bit I did a little workout and some yoga. It definitely was not comparable to a workout at the gym, which I do need to work on. Sometimes when I workout at home I'll do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) so I for sure get a good sweat, but here I don't want to be super loud and jumping for the people below us. But I did something which is better than nothing! We have also been walking about 26,000 steps a day which for me is pretty good.
Once Cat was up we both did some work then headed to this amazing Matcha Cafe Tombo I think it was called. Oh man we got so much, we both LOVE Matcha. We did a review on it so once I get the video up you can see all the tasty treats.
Afterwards we went down Oxford street to look at shops. It is actually insanely busy!! I was laughing thinking 'we're not in Kansas anymore' but instead, 'we're not in west van anymore..' Because first of all there are NO people in west van, and nothing is open past 9pm. This was jam packed all night!!! It was cool to see though!
Future was playing last night which we had thought about going to... but knowing Cat and I we both decided to watch a movie and get more work done :) It's also Halloween this weekend so we don't want to get ahead of ourselves..