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SOUTH KOREA - Nov.27.18


“Travel is a means of conquering space and time.”

South Korea was sooo cool!! Not at all what I expected. To be honest I guess I didn’t really expect anything, all happened so fast I haven’t had time to expect anything about this trip. It has been an amazing experience. You really do learn so much while travelling. Beyond thankful to have had Evan Thomas be our personal tour guide around Seoul. He also took us out one night. Karaoke was SO funny. Holy. We went to a fun restaurant, a bar, another place for a drink, another restaurant, it was quite the night. He took us to some markets, as well as educated us on North Korea! I knew it was bad, but not that bad! It’s crazy how it’s still like that in 2018. Wishing you the best Evan! I know you’ll make some great changes to the world.

I was thankful the hotel had a gym!! I genuinely just become so happy when I can spend some time in a gym while travelling. It brings me so much peace. I crave endorphins all the time!

We went to a mans art studio/his home, he gave us coffee, then came to Art Asia a few days later to say hi! So nice to meet locals, it’s a completely different experience. Also went to K-Auction, which is an art auction. Can’t believe how much some of the pieces were… Also went to a temple! Everyone was so dressed up it was adorable!!

Art Asia went well! We didn’t sell many pieces but it was great for Art! Vancouver! Met tonnsss of people and believe we will have quite a few new exhibitors from this show. Travelling for Art Van has been a dream. Its awesome travelling for a purpose, I mean technically this whole thing is a work trip!! It’s all planned around these art shows. I am SO excited for Art Vancouver this year, it will be the best year yet! I mean every year is the best year yet lol.. Its funny because when we walk into a show its like ok. Get into pairs, Taish and Sky take this row, Lis take the middle, Tal left side, etc, etc. We are very much on a mission when we enter the shows. And we get to look at some sick art!!

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